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Today I just wanted a smiley boy. He's doing his weird smile but I still love it.

The Christmas tree is still not down here but we've already gotten back into the routine of things. I generally start my day by checking my mail, reading AMM, and my RSS feeds. I make breakfast for David and then jump in the shower. We then both relax as we eat our food. I make David's lunch for school and we both get ready and we're out the door. I drop David off at school and get to work and our days begin.

It might sound boring or tiresome but I love routine and I love this one, especially on a morning like this when I miraculously woke up before David and he slept all the way to 8am. This never happens. I have a lot of work today for both my job and a scrapping project I am working on so I needed the little bit of extra sleep and the quiet time in the morning, so I feel extra blessed for the tiny break I got.

Well, off to start our day. May yours be a wonderful one.

January 07, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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