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I know, I know, another computer screen photo with not much to see. But there's a story and a good one. Today's my grandmother Maya's 90th birthday. My whole family and her friends and loved ones are all celebrating in a restaurant in Istanbul and my wonderful sister found a way for me to be there without flying there.

At the end of their dinner, we used the wonderful iChat to connect to them live so Jake and I could wish her the best birthday. David was excited about the idea but got shy in the last minute, so he didn't come to the screen. It was really special and for a few moments I felt like I was there with them. Happy Happy Happy Birthday Omamika, to many many many more!!!

In case we couldn't make a connection I'd prerecorded a message to her and then we also made a movie the three of us. here's that movie. It's quite funny.

Just so you don't think I'm not taking photos of the little boy, here's a shot of David watching Winnie the Pooh on his little DVD player.

Happy Sunday!

January 04, 2009 | photo of the day - 2009 | share[]
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