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We arrived at the Colorado Great Sand Dunes at sunset. We walked around for a few minutes and then drove to the campground four miles away. We camped on the side of the mountain at quite a steep slant. I kept falling sideways in my sleep.

We awoke at 5:30AM local time and revisited the dunes. The amazing thing about such a huge quantity of sand is that it makes you lose your perspective of height and distance. We kept thinking we were almost at the base of the dunes but there was always more to walk. Especially with the huge mountains behind them, the dunes look small from a distance. Only when you climb up do you realize how incredible they are. Jake climbed all the way to the top as the sun rose and I waited at one of the hills. Over an hour later we got back on the road to Gunnison Park where the Black Canyon is. This site was picked last minute from the AAA guide which turned out to be a very good pick. The canyon was deep enough to fit to Empire State buildings on top of each other.

We then drove from the westernmost end of the state to the Rocky Mountain National Park passing amazing badlands, canyons, the Colorado River on the way. The difference between New Mexico and Colorado is striking and the mountains here are truly awe inspiring.

We arrived at the Rocky Mountains National Park at 7pm and worried that we wouldn't be able to see anything but the ticket collector told us that it would be light till 9. During the awesome ride up, we saw elk. At the top, we saw the sun set. Simply Magnificent.

Lodging: Great Sand Dunes Oasis Camping@$12
Miles on the car: 11541
Gas: $10.08@1.62 & $8.89@1.69 & $15.70@1.89
Roads: 285 to Alamosa, 160 to Blanca, 150 to the Great Sand Dunes, Road w/ no number to Mosca, 17 to Poncha Springs, 50 to 347 to Black Canyon, 50 to 70E to 40 to 35 to the Rocky Mtn. Nat. Park, 287 to Fort Collins
Sites: Great Sand Dunes Nat. Mon., Black Canyon of the Gunnison Nat. Park, White River National Forest, Rocky Mountain National Park

July 11, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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