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Cider House Riles

Last night, we watched Cider House Rules. As a huge fan of John Irving, I was not really sure why I put off watching this movie as long as I have, but last night the reason became clear. The movie, as always, wasn't nearly as good as the book. I know Irving wrote the screenplay and it is much more similar to the book than Simon Birch was to A Prayer for Owen Meany, but still it's nowhere near the real thing. I love Irving's style of telling a story and how attached to his characters the reader gets. Cider House Rules is a particularly long and involved story and the beauty of the story on paper didn't, for me, translate to the movie. I guess I just shouldn't watch movies of books I loved.

We also watched BASEketball which I don't really think should qualify as a movie.

Happy Birthday Cheryl!

August 28, 2000 | previous | art & music & film | share[]
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