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Chocolates and White Dresses

I went wedding-dress shopping today.

My mom, my sister, one of her little boys, Jeff, and I filled in the car and drove to the other side of town. Jeff was coughing a bit and my sister's doctor is in the same neighborhood as the dress shop so she tagged along. Since his brother got to go to kindergarten instead of the doctor's, Jeff was feeling bummy and didn't talk to us in the car.

After we made it to the dress shop, he decided he wanted some candy. He didn't want to wait till we left the wedding store, he said and since we knew it was going to be a while in the store my mom went across the street and bought him some mints and some chocolate. The cute little two-and-a-half year-old sat quietly and chunched on his mints while we looked through collections of white dresses.

A half hour later, I put on the dress that we liked the most and turned to Jeff, who was now munching on a chocolate bar, I asked if he liked my dress. 'Yes,' he replied. 'Should I buy it?' I asked. 'Yes,' he replied. 'Will you give me a kiss?' I asked. He nodded and to the anxiety of my mom and the sales woman walked over to me in my white dress with his chocolate bar and gave me a kiss on each cheek.

He did not touch any of the dresses and when his bar was finished, he raised his hands and told my sister that her hands needed to be washed.

Not all kids make a mess.

I got a kiss from my nephew, found a pretty dress, arranged my invitations and even found comfy and pretty white shoes.

Today was a good day.

Oh, and the flight over was just fine. It feels good to be home.

Previously? That Time.

February 04, 2002 | previous | family | share[]
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