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David doesn't like to take naps. He often fights on the way to bed. But, every now and then, he takes these long, peaceful naps. Sometimes they last three hours. After one of these, he wakes up a little disoriented but very happy. He's well rested. Ready to conquer the world.

It takes him a good twenty minutes to go back to his usual self. When he's in one of these dazes, I look at him and I can't believe he's my flesh and blood. He's so pure. So beautiful. His white skin is so unblemished. He looks like a real-life china doll. I am filled with so much love for him that I can hardly breathe.

I don't know how I got lucky enough to have this extraordinary child, but I am thankful for it every single day.

January 20, 2008 | david | share[]
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