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The pace of my life has changed drastically in the last week. Two weeks ago, Jake and I had several interviews and a busy week that ended with his birthday. I remember feeling a bit bummed on the weekend thinking we had no interviews scheduled for the week and worrying that I might not be able to get a job after all.

He started his part-time job on Monday and I started mine on Tuesday. I still looked all over monster, hotjobs and craigslist for more full time positions getting more depressed by the minute.

Then, within minutes, a friend of Jake's decided to come for three days. His mom decided to come for a day. I got three calls and an interview. I went to the interview, which lasted much longer than expected and ended with my promising to learn part of a scripting language I had barely used previously. From the moment I left the interview on Wednesday to Friday's interview I spent my minutes between my part-time job and studying for the interview. Jake ended up hanging out with his friend on his own.

Friday morning, the day of my 29th birthday, I woke up at 6 to go to my part-time job, worked till noon, came home to study some more for the closed-book exam and then went to a coffee shop by the company's building to wait for the interview while Jake dropped off his friend at the airport.

The interview lasted from 2:30 to 9pm. It involved coding for a few hours and talking about details for another few. I came home to several days' worth of TiVo and left the couch only to go to bed until Saturday night when my mother in law arrived and took us to dinner and a beach walk.

And this was supposed to be the quiet week.

Thank you for all who wished me a happy birthday. My first in a new home, a new town, with my new car and, now, my new job.

September 14, 2003 | previous | personal | share[]
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