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Changes Abound

If you've been here before, you'll probably notice that I've made some changes. I think it's all pretty self-explanatory so go explore. And, of course, all comments are welcome.

Many thanks go to Heather for taking the time to help me figure out how to download the images from my watch to my PC. Since I'd already had several conversations with Casio support and with the company where I bought my watch, my next step was going to be sending the units back. So Heather did me a huge, huge favor.

Jake's out of town in Lakeland, Florida, celebrating his grandmother's ninetieth birthday. Normally, I'd be there, too, but I'm not allowed to fly. So he's there loving the beautiful weather and I'm stuck in bed, watching TiVo.

I don't do well when Jake's gone. It's not that I can't be alone, it's just that I really like having him around. Even when he sits in the living room and I spend the day in bed, knowing he's next door makes me happy. I guess I'm like a little girl who always wants her friend around. Jake's my best friend and I like him near me. I also like waking up next to him. Oh well, one more day and he'll be back.

My back is doing better. Wohoo! Not healed, yet, but any improvement is enough to make me ecstatic.

Today was my third pottery class and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. My fingerprints don't leave imprints on the clay any longer and I've even managed to make a bowl, a single-rose vase and a cup. They're all lopsided but I'm just glad I'm learning to enjoy it and to relax. The most fun part is seeing the clay mold under your fingers as the wheel turns. A tiny bit of pressure exerted in one area affects the entire shape of the pot. When I watch the teacher and see the clay shift shapes, it almost seems magical.

Previously? The Right Way

January 27, 2001 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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