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This is by far one of my least favorite layouts. I wanted to do something interesting like use chalk combined with the stamping but I never really liked the outcome. I could do it over again, but I try not to do that, so I've left it alone. I love the memory behind the photos, so I am keeping it and just smiling each time I remember this day.

Journaling Reads: On our way back from Los Angeles, we stopped at Michael's so I could buy some scrapbooking stuff. I couldn't really find anything I was looking for, but you found a box of sidewalk chalk and life was suddenly such a wonderful place. You carried it out of the store, held on to it all the way home and wouldn't even let go while we undressed you. You hugged the box of chalk all night and were thrilled when we finally got to open it the next morning. As we both wrote all over the backyard, you practiced your letters and numbers, and learned all your colors. You even learned the word chalk. Which has since become your favorite word. You ask for the chalk every time we go outside and love drawing everywhere. Who knew a $2 present would make you so happy?

July 21, 2007 | previous | scrapbooking | share[]
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