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Catching Up

This weekend was catch-up weekend. I finally got to implement the design I'd dreampt up a few weeks ago. Like it? Don't like it? Tell Me. Many thanks go to six, heather, christine, and leia for helping me out. All the design faults, ugliness and stupidities are mine. I don't want you to think this is representative of their work as their workis much much better, but they did take the time to tell me what they think and answer my questions. Thank You!

A while ago, I asked people to share melodies that brought back memories. Here are some replies I got. Send me yours!

In case you were curious about my hairdo, here's me, in multicolor.

As for the theory of life Heather posted a while ago, here are my charts.

Expect some more changes soon. But not real soon. I need some sleep first.

Previously? Spiderwebs.

March 03, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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