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This week's catalyst is about "what makes you, you?"

I used the cardboard to emphasize the feeling of being "bare" and the authentic me. I also tore the papers to give the impression that all the layers of me were stripped off and this was the true me.

Journaling Reads:
what you see is what you get.

that's me.

i don't mince words. i am not cruel but i also don't lie. i have no time to play games. too many people have messed with my head and i refuse to play with yours.

when you get me as a friend, you get a loyal person who will always be honest, kind and generous.

i will not change on you. i will not deceive you. i will not stab you in the back. i only know one way to be and this is it.

it may take a while to get to know me. to see that i truly care. and i really will be there. always.

you may be confused. you may think there's more under the surface. you may wait anxiously to see what's really going on.

but it's really simple with me: what you see is what you get.


April 27, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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