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We just posted catalyst thirty-six. It's Tell us about a time you lied.

Here's my entry:
I try hard not to lie, but when we found out we were expecting and I was only four weeks along, I had to keep it a secret for 9 weeks until I got the OK from the doctor. During that time I was very ill, throwing up several times a day, which made it that much harder to keep it a secret. People invited us to dinner parties and lunches and I had to keep lying. People at work started to wonder why I was sick all the time and my friends were curious why I dropped off the face of earth. It was the hardest secret to keep and some of the most difficult weeks of my life. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, it feels great not to have to lie anymore.

Journaling Reads:
I am really bad at keeping secrets. Especially when it’s good news. So when I found out that I was pregnant (It took three tests for me to believe my own eyes.) and it was only four-weeks, I knew we were going to have to keep this secret for a long time. And then I got sick. Really bad nausea meant that our little secret became a collection of lies. Reasons why I was so tired, why I was unable to eat, why I looked so white. Eight weeks of lying later, I was finally able to share and it felt so good to tell everyone. To finally acknowledge you in front of everyone. Can’t wait to see you, little one.

November 16, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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