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This is for catalyst twelve at creative therapy. The catalyst is "If you could do something to make a big impact on the world, what would it be?"

For this week's catalyst, I wanted to do something different. I feel very strongly that every one of us can change the world by doing seemingly small things. We all have the power and the ability to make this world a better place. So I made a little minibook with my ideas on how you can change the world:

Here are the sections:
1. Help others: Imagine if everyone spent a few more hours a week volunteering? We could make such a huge impact on the world. Or maybe something tiny. Help hold the door for the person coming behind you. Do a tiny kind gesture, you can never be sure what effect that has on the rest of the world.
2. Be kind: Be kind and loving to people. Always assume the best of others. I think if everyone did that, the world would be a different place.
3. Have a child: Children are our future. They represent the world of possibilities, they are going to create the tomorrow we live. They will definitely change the world.
4. School and Family First: I believe that everything starts with family and education. Those are the two pillars of any human and if you get those right, your impact on the world will be that much stronger.
5. Change yourself: It all starts with you. Don't wait for others to change. Start with the man in the mirror.
I think the world is changed by seemingly tiny things all the time. If we do any of these five, I think we are moving the world in a more positive direction.

I used tattered angels products I got for being on AMM DT

June 02, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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