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I have finally started catching up on Cathy's Design Your Life class. So last night I did ten layouts in one night. They are simple but I love them. Here comes all of them.

Journaling Reads:
Even with a completely busted lip, you always have the best sense of humor. You smile, you laugh, you don’t let any of it get to you. When you fell at school, I was really worried, but I didn’t want to show it. I’m your Mommy and I’m supposed to be strong for both of us. But, the fact is, you didn’t need it at all. You’re plenty strong for both of us. Although it’s hard for me to look at these, I thought it was important for me to preserve this. You’re a little boy and, most likely, you’ll have many scraped knees and busted lips in your future and if (or ‘when’) those occur, I’ll be able to look and remember your strong spirit.

November 10, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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