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Boston to Pittsburgh

After much debate, we decided to spend two days in Boston and do the trip to Pgh in one day. This means we won't get there early enough to see our professors from college but we had a much-needed extra day to rest.

The drive from Philly to Boston was long and uneventful. We ended up getting on the road at 3pm because we had a long and very fun conversation with Jenn. Such, we didn't arrive in Boston till nearly midnight.

The wedding in Pgh is of a good college friend and we'll have other classmates there which makes this event tons of fun. We're also staying with a friend's friend whom we haven't seen in a long time. Going to Pittsburgh is like going home for me since it's the first American city I ever lived in.

After my mom's birthday yesterday and my nephews' today, our one-year annivesary is approaching fast. I can't believe that, as of Sunday, we'll have been married one whole year. And what a year it's been! I'm glad I'll finally have a chance to taste my wedding cake.

After a ten hour drive we made it to Shadyside in Pittsburgh and sat in my beloved Max&Erma's. Now it's time to rest.

May 23, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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