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So I went to a new back doctor today and even more interesting stuff about my body surfaced. It seems I lack any reflex on my right ankle. Odd? Yep. Bad news? Most likely. Looks like I'm gonna need that MRI after all. Yum.

This holiday season I seem to be spiraling into a rather odd mood. I don't know whether it's the excessive amount of medication that's been piling up in my body, just usual holiday blues or something else, but I do know that I'm a little off. I go from ecstatic to miserable in a matter of seconds. One minute, I'm sitting on my couch, watching something stupid on TV, relaxing and the next minute I'm weeping uncontrollably. Does this mean I should see a professional? Probably. I think it's just the overwhelming amount of stress I lay upon myself. I have seven untouched books, all due to the library in ten days. I have a novel that's waiting to be written and I am really behind at work. But what do I spend my free time doing? Watching TV and sleeping. I just don't feel motivated to do anything.

Let's hope this week in Savannah turns out to be what I need.

For those of you who celebrate, Happy Channukah!

December 21, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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