la jolla shores
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It's been a rough few weeks in the karenika household. First came some unexpected news that really threw a wrench in the comfort of the household, then came a death, and then came another death. All these events meant that we made four trips across the country in the last two weeks. David, who had never been on a plane prior to April, didn't take well to the redeye but was a champ on all the other flights. He loved the Florida sunshine. He cheered everyone up at both of the funerals and reminded people that there's an order to life and that the most important things is for people to come and go in order. He also added some much-needed humor to the very sad occasions we've been a part of.

We spent one of our nights in Florida in a hotel. Since David's bedtime is 6pm, and we had a regular hotel room, Jake and I spent 6-11pm in the very tiny bathroom floor of the Holiday Inn. Like the time we were in San Francisco, the very close quarters of the bathroom, coupled with the whispering not to wake the boy up, makes for some intimate conversation. We ended up chatting a lot about life, our goals, our dreams and all the things we were thankful for. When we're home, Jake and I always have an unending to-do list. There is work to be done, books/websites to read, email, cleaning, cooking, David, laundry, are just a few things that get in the way of us-time. When we're away, we know we're not going to get anything done and we end up having the best conversations of our marriage.

Times like these make me really glad to have David around. I tend to get lost in the little things when I'm in a bad place and forget that the world is great. Our lives are great. David's the best reminder of that. His laughs, his hugs. His beautiful face. His mere existence is a daily reminder that we've already achieved one of the biggest successes of our lives.

Anyhow, this was meant to be an apology for the lack of posts. I've been making an effort to post more, partly for the few who still read me consistently (thank you), and partly for my own sanity. The last few weeks have been hard and thus ended up with no posts. Things are going back to normal (I hope) and such, I am hoping to be around a bunch more.

May 14, 2006 | personal | share[]
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