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Bits and Pieces

And April has come.

Have you been reading my daily tidbits?

Have you noticed the weekly pencam shots?

Just making sure.

Every now and then a movie comes and it totally blows your mind. I am so glad that I dragged Jake to see Memento. Even though I knew the subject matter to be disturbing, I've been dying to see this film ever since I heard about it. Not to mention the amazingly fascinating site.

Memento is a rare example of a movie which combines an interesting plot with artistic shots. It forces the audience to interact with the movie in a similar manner as the movie's main character. It pulls you in, keeps you attached and has you trying to put the pieces together the entire time. Just when you know who's good and who's evil, you find out you're wrong. Just when you think you understand what happened, you find out you're wrong. And you leave the movie more confused than you began.

I hate movies that don't end. When the plot is not resolved, I leave the theater with an empty feeling. I get aggravated like I was cheated. Memento left me with a million questions. I still don't know what was fact and what fiction. And the most important part of the movie didn't get resolved. Yet the minute the credits started rolling, I smiled. I loved the ending. I loved it cause the plot didn't really matter. The experience did.

I'm so glad such movies are made.

Especially when they also make incredibly moronic ones such as this. Argh.

Previously? Celebration.

April 01, 2001 | previous | links | share[]
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