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I had a great birthday. Yum.

Due to the McSweeney's reading selling out last week, they had another reading last night and it was two blocks from my house! After my volunteer job and sign language class, I came home and changed and Jake and I went to hand out at the bar, just incase this one sold out as well. We were there on time and got to hear Neal Pollack's awesome book read by the great author himself. Right before the reading, he came over and talked to us. He even wished me a happy birthday. We all sang some Irish songs (since the reading was at an Irish bar).

After the reading Jake and I went to dinner at this beautiful restaurant right by the East River. It had the most amazing view of the city.

All in all, I had an amazing day.

Oh, and I figured out what I want to do with my life. But that's another story for another day.

September 13, 2000 | previous | holidays | share[]
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