<b>Screech Owl</b><br>Even though you can't tell from the photo. This owl is tiny. It's slightly bigger than my hand and it's really quite beautiful. It blinks slowly and is very very cute. Another shot from the Wildlife Day. Taken with f/4 70-200 Canon lens. I am loving that lens, btw.
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Screech Owl
Even though you can't tell from the photo. This owl is tiny. It's slightly bigger than my hand and it's really quite beautiful. It blinks slowly and is very very cute. Another shot from the Wildlife Day. Taken with f/4 70-200 Canon lens. I am loving that lens, btw.

Bad Shopper
I spent a large portion of today looking for baby items that I am supposed to have before the baby comes. According to several places, I am supposed to have like 248 things before the baby even comes home. The small problem is that I absolutely hate shopping. Of any kind.

After reading the completely contradictory reviews on each item on amazon, I've decided I can't do this online. I can't do this alone either. I need someone who loves shopping to provide our trip with some enthusiasm. I am hoping my mom may fill the void. My sister is doing a huge amount of work over the net but I need a physical person here with me.

There are too many decisions to make and all of them seem incredibly important. I imagine all that matters should be that I get a bed, a stroller/carseat, diapers, and some clothes. Is everything else really urgent?

I figured carrying and having the baby would be the hardest part until the baby came, but I must say that the shopping is proving to be quite painful.

November 18, 2004 | personal | share[]
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