<b>Pelicans Galore</b><br>Here's the second one of my promises to post more pelicans. There are a few more coming up. I was amazed that the bird would let me get so close and snap a photo. He didn't even seem to care. Though, I must say, he does look a bit menacing. On the pier in Santa Barbara. Taken with the f/4 70-200.
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Pelicans Galore
Here's the second one of my promises to post more pelicans. There are a few more coming up. I was amazed that the bird would let me get so close and snap a photo. He didn't even seem to care. Though, I must say, he does look a bit menacing. On the pier in Santa Barbara. Taken with the f/4 70-200.

Bad Service
I am amazed that in today's world where companies are in a race to offer the better deal, no one is paying attention to another avenue of customer retention: good customer service.

I spent some time "chatting" with a service provider and with a cable company today. Both services were horribly bad. The hosting company is offering a deal for new clients only that allows them to pay the same price as current clients but gives them several times more bandwidth and storage space. The person I was chatting with insisted that the deal was only available for new clients.

I can understand the company's desire to get new clients and thus offering an enticing deal to them but isn't it stupid to make your current clients so upset that they leave? You may or may not get the new clients even with the enticing deal and thus it seems like a bad idea to lose the ones you do have. Am I missing something here?

This seems to be common practice in the industry. Cable companies, phone companies, and many others practice the same deal. It seems to me that keeping your current clients happy should be a high priority and companies shouldn't have the mindset of "I already got that person so who cares?" attitude. It's probably partially the customer's fault for not revolting enough but still it's all so slimy.

Along the same lines, I think most companies don't pay enough attention to having good customer service. I've had two major exceptions to this norm: Skytel and Tivo. Both companies have phenomenal service and have made me loyal consumers. I would easily pay a bit more to get excellent service than to pay bottom price and have an attitude each time I need some help. But maybe that's just me.

Even so, I am annoyed at the "only worry about getting new customers" attitude the companies are employing these days and wish that enough people would get together to show them the power of exisiting customers and why it's important to not blow them off.

December 01, 2004 | pet peeve | share[]
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