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Back in New York City

After leaving our hard-worked car in the garage, we came back to New York City on Friday night. We spent the night at Thirty on Thirty, right by our old neighborhood.

It feels eerie being in the city but not having a home to go to. I spent all of Saturday morning at the public library, surfing, while Jake took his exam. In the afternoon, I went to Jason's, our kind host for the evening, and had a great time installing Linux on my laptop. (yes, I know how geeky that sounds, but it really made me happy since I am thinking of getting the SAIR certification)

Also, thanks to Jason's kindness, I got to put up all of the pictures from the first six legs of our trip. I put up photos from audrey and tom's wedding and archived all the logs from the last month. You can find the trip logs on the same page as the pictures.

Last night we went to see Finding Nemo which was really well-animated and rendered. The shots of Sydney were lifelike. Ellen DeGeneres did a great job. The script was cheesy but funny. All in all, definitely worthwhile.

Tonight and tomorrow, we're staying with another gracious host in Jersey. On Tuesday, we fly to the Caymans. I don't think I can log in from there so I assume there will be no updates for a week. We then come to NYC for two days and then fly to Turkey. June will hopefully be a hectic but fun and relaxing month.

I have read some books since the last excerpt: Catch Me If You Can, Alice in Wonderland, Nickel and Dimed. Look At Me and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Excerpts to come at a later time.

While I'm gone, you can entertain yourself with the aforementioned pictures or the book excerpts, or the numerous archives.

June 01, 2003 | previous | personal | share[]
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