<b>Mussels</b><br>This is from our trip to Santa Barbara on Thanksgiving weekend. The beach there was full of mussels and I kept trying to take some shots and this was one of the few I could get that looked okay. Since they are three-dimensional the depth of field is really hard for me to master with my macro lens and way too big tummy. Taking macro shots after the baby comes will be an altogether different experience since I haven't used this lens without a big belly.
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This is from our trip to Santa Barbara on Thanksgiving weekend. The beach there was full of mussels and I kept trying to take some shots and this was one of the few I could get that looked okay. Since they are three-dimensional the depth of field is really hard for me to master with my macro lens and way too big tummy. Taking macro shots after the baby comes will be an altogether different experience since I haven't used this lens without a big belly.

Firstly, I apologize for the lack of updates. I'd blame it on my exhaustion, my lack of time, my lack of ideas but this time it was something much more mechanical than that. Our not-very-bright ISP forgot to pull out the static IPs from the DNS pool last week causing major net problems for us all week last week. Which meant our connection went down every thirty seconds. I had a hard enough time working from home and didn't have the energy to fight the ssh connection that allows me to post my entries. We're back now, though, and all should be fine.

When I first got pregnant, other mothers told me that everyone would now touch my belly and they would all tell me what to do. I figured since I still don't know that many people in San Diego, the chances of people touching me weren't very high and also I have no problem telling people to get their hands off of me. However, I wasn't prepared for how hostile I would really feel.

It seems that I automatically have a negative reaction to people's comments regardless of the intention with which it's delivered and how close or foreign that person might be to me. A few months ago, a friend told me that I really should get some maternity pants instead of unzipping the regular ones I wore. Instead of agreeing with her logical comment, my first hunch was to say:

"Fuck You."

Thankfully, I didn't actually say it out loud. But since then, I've noticed that everyone's opinions on what I should and shouldn't do is automatically greeted by my inner reluctance. I feel like telling them all off. For some reason instead of interpreting the information as helpful, I am processing it as confrontational or patronizing. And I am way too exhausted to be patronized.

So that's how it goes.

"You really should have the baby's room ready by now."

"Fuck You."

"You really should be exercising more."

"Fuck You."

"Are you seriously not taking any time off work? That's crazy; you should take off starting the beginning of January."

"Fuck You."

I know some of this is good advice but I can't seem to acknowledge that right now. What I need more is someone to spend time with and laugh with. I need a lot lot more sleep. I need to relax and know that everything will be okay with us and with the baby. I need someone to have fun with and not unsolicited advice. I am sure I will regret not listening to these wise people some day real soon, but for now I really just want them all to fuck off.

December 20, 2004 | personal | share[]
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