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Atlanta to New Orleans

After two days and endless amount of graduation ceremonies later, we're back on our way to New Orleans. If all goes well, we should make it to New Orleans tonight.

We spent our night in a small bed and breakfast called Shellmont Inn and watched 15 Minutes which was much more violent than I imagined it would be. We drank, ate and chatted with Jake's family but didn't go around Atlanta at all so I have no pictures to show for the last two days. We did however get gas at 1.21 much to Jake's delight. Atlanta was quite hilly, very green and sunny but breezy. All in all, it seemed quite pleasent.

We've finished reading Catch Me If You Can and have moved on to You Shall Know Our Velocity by Eggers. I'm also reading Look At Me by Egan during times when my jaw is tired from reading out loud. Maybe we'll buy some books on tape for the next trip (though they'd have to be on CD since we don't have a tape deck in the car).

We're now on 85 south going through Alabama. The roads are very green and somewhat empty. Even though the highways mean faster travel speed, they don't provide the solitude and entertainment of the smaller roads. On the way up from Florida, we took a small route and saw many cows and wide open roads which were beautiful. We saw ten cows huddled around a sign "Beef, it's what's for dinner." Thankfully, the cows can't read!

Now that we don't have any set deadlines till the 25th, I'll try to take more pictures in the side roads and stop to talk to cows. The pictures I've taken so far can be found here. I tested it a bit but not heavily. If you find a bug please leave me a comment (the comments get forwarded to my email) or drop me an email. Thank you!

May 12, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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