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Assigned Roles

He brings home the bread money.

She does the cleaning and the laundry.

She cooks and he does the dishes.

If we hear a scary noise in the middle of the night, he gets up to see what it is.

When the baby cries in her sleep, she gets up cause daddy's gotta go to work the next day.

He proposes, she accepts.

He's successful; she's caring and considerate.

She's thin and pretty.

He'll protect the child when other kids are mean to him.

She'll make him chicken soup and kiss his boo-boos.

She'll want babies and he'll have a son.

He'll never cry, he'll be strong for the both of them.

She's been planning her wedding day since she was a little girl.

He doesn't understand the difference between mauve and puce.

He watches football and she likes figure skating.

He handles the money.

She's sentimental, he's reasonable.

I am so glad we live in the 21st century.

Previously? Personality Change.

December 27, 2001 | previous | pet peeve | share[]
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