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After five full days of trucking down all the major highways between Boston and San Diego, we made it back to our new home. One night at Audrey and Tom's and another at Ashlie and Travis' meant that we only paid two nights of hotel fees. Even including the gas and paying people to unload the truck, we still saved around 3000 over the price the moving companies quoted us.

On the fourth day, we even managed to take a side trip and see the Painted Desert and the Meteor Crater in Arizona, two sites we had missed in July. Besides the severe allergies to the truck, my body handled the trip quite well. The birdie played, ate, or slept the whole way. He did get quite a bit more anxious when the sun set and started climbing to the top of his cage. After four months of separation, he's now with his family, in his new home. He should enjoy the attention and freedom until a dog is added to our family.

The last three days have been a frenzy of unpacking. Now that we're finally here, I seem to have gone back to my usual rushing self and am quickly getting worried about settling down, finding a job, and such. We've already got our phone, cable and electricity connected. I've unpacked the kitchen, clothes, and bathroom. The TiVo is connected and merrily recording. Since my computer broke during the move, I even bought a new one last night. On the surface, our lives seem to have started.

Now, if only I could shake this anxious feeling in my stomach.

August 18, 2003 | previous | personal | share[]
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