<b>Seagull</b><br>I might be the only person who loves seagulls. Maybe it's because of Jonathan Livingston Seagull which is still one of my favorite books of all time. They also remind me of my childhood and Burgaz, the island we live on in the summer in Turkey. I love seagulls and pigeons. I just do.
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I might be the only person who loves seagulls. Maybe it's because of Jonathan Livingston Seagull which is still one of my favorite books of all time. They also remind me of my childhood and Burgaz, the island we live on in the summer in Turkey. I love seagulls and pigeons. I just do.

A Good Friend
I often miss my college days. There are many reasons for that. Like the lack of major responsibility or the fun of taking classes I really enjoy and being surrounded by intelligent people who have a lot of free time to discuss and relax. But one of my favorite things about college, particularly the one I went to, was the people.

Even with my foreigner naivete, I had some fantastic friends in college. People I really respected and loved. People I looked up to. People who inspired me. People who made me laugh for hours. Some of them, I have been able to keep in touch with. With others, I have sadly lost connection. Every few years, something strikes me and I go searching for my old friends. Sometimes my emails are met with pleasant surprise and sometimes they think I am a freak who needs to move on.

Regardless, one of the hardest things in my life after college has been meeting interesting people and forging solid friendships. Especially now that I have a family and a busy life, it's almost impossible to have long conversations with people. Long conversations are what I need to bond with people. I miss having that kind of time. I miss talking until the wee hours of the morning. I miss getting to the core of people and having strong friends who are honest and stimulating.

I don't know how adults make friends like that. If you know, please tell me.

January 04, 2006 | friendship | share[]

I Don't Think So
Now that David's cruising around, he likes to get into my stuff all the time. When I'm cooking his food in the kitchen, he hangs on to my pants and wants to see what I'm doing. When I'm at my desk, working, he plays around by my trash, or goes through my scrapbooking stuff. Today, I was on the phone with a client when he decided it was a great time to put his hands in the toilet. He's so much more stubborn too. If he gets his hands on something he wants to play with, like scissors, and I take it away, he gets mad mad. He does, thankfully, forget about it relatively quickly but it's funny to see that he has strong opinions now. I love watching him become a person more and more each day.

10 months 3 weeks 5 days | share []
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